We specialize in glass medical devices, specifically the Lester T. Jones Tear Duct Tubes for conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy (CDCR) and glass cannulas for cornea transport (DMEK and DSAEK). Gunther Weiss Scientific has been innovating and providing solutions for Lacrimal Bypass Surgery (CDCR) since 1963 and are pioneers in glass cannula development for tissue transplantation.
You can search our products above by their name or the 5 digit prefix (e.g. 'Jones Tube Frosted' or '10100').
For more information, please email: info@guntherweiss.com
To place an order, please send purchases to: orders@guntherweiss.com
Call us: (503) 644-4056 MON-FRI: 7AM-3:30PM PST